Tuesday 11 September 2012

Monkfish and Prawn Risotto (my own recipe)

Risotto with Haddock

This is a gorgeous, fresh risotto that has the most beautiful zesty flavours. My dad makes the most amazing risotto of his own too, and I'm one of those people that wants to beat someone at something! I really fancied some fish in the risotto that I planned, and as it was a 'treat' dinner we went to the expense of buying Monkfish. However, when I made it secondly I wanted to create a more affordable dish, so I swapped the Monkfish for Haddock. If you are using Haddock I would add pancetta for the salty kick. However if using Monkfish omit the pancetta because you don't want to disturb the flavours of the fish. Serve alongside Garlic Ciabatta, and a glass of white wine, and there you have it, a fabulous risotto, that involves no stirring!

Monkfish and Prawn Risotto

4 leeks, chopped
3 red peppers, sliced into strips
1 red chilli, chopped, seeds in or out
200g sundried tomatoes in oil, drained
400g risotto rice, Arborio or carnaroli
1.5 litres fish stock
300ml white wine, such as Pinot Grigio
1-2 monkfish tails, cubed or 2 dyed smoked haddock fillets
Freshly ground black pepper
Dash of olive oil
Knob of butter
400g raw king prawns
130g pancetta cubes (if using haddock)
1 lemon, zest and juice (optional)
Handful of basil, chopped

1)      Fry the leeks in a dash of olive oil until brown, turn the heat down and add the peppers and chillies and the sundried tomatoes.
2)      After the juices appear, add the risotto rice with a quarter of the fish stock and a glug of white wine, then leave to simmer with the lid on. Do not stir the risotto at all.
3)      Once the stock and wine has been mostly absorbed, add another quarter of fish stock and glug of white wine.
4)      Then, fry the monkfish cubes (in a separate pan) in a glug of olive oil and knob of butter with black pepper for ten minutes. Whilst this is frying keep adding the stock and wine once the second batch has been absorbed, and repeat until all stock and wine is used.
5)      After 10 minutes of frying the monkfish, add the prawns, pancetta cubes, half of the lemon zest, and half of the basil and fry for a further 5 minutes with the monkfish.
6)      After adding the prawns take the lid off the risotto pan.
7)      After 5 minutes of frying the prawns, add the monkfish and prawns into the risotto pan with the lemon juice, along with the other half of the basil and lemon zest.
8)      Stir through, then serve.

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